Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my child needs speech therapy?

If you think your child may have a speech or language delay, consider asking their day care provider or teacher what they think about their communication based on what other children of the same age are doing. All kids develop differently and excel in different areas.

If you’re still worried, trust your instincts, and take a look at the expected speech/language milestones for your child:

  • click here for speech sound development norms

  • click here for birth to 5

  • click here for for elementary ages

How long and how frequent are therapy visits?

Therapy is always tailored to the unique needs of the child. We typically recommend 30-minute or 45-minute sessions. One hour sessions are also available.

Depending on the type and severity of deficits, therapy is recommended at 1x, 2x, or 3x per week. The frequency and duration of therapy will be discussed in consultation with the SLP during the initial visit.

What can I expect at the evaluation?

An evaluation can be 30 minutes to 1 1/2 hours depending upon the areas being assessed. This allows the speech therapist the opportunity to evaluate speech and language skills through standardized tests, observation, history information and parent report. Referrals to other professionals may be made if your child is having difficulties in areas that are outside the scope of practice for the SLP such as an audiologist, ENT, occupational therapist, etc.

​After the evaluation you will receive a brief verbal summary of the findings. If therapy is warranted, a written evaluation report will be reviewed with you at the first therapy appointment. If it is found that your child has age appropriate speech and language skills, you will receive a written report via email and the report will be discussed briefly in a phone call.