What is executive functioning?

Executive Functioning is self-regulation. It is a large prefrontal cortex system that regulates our emotions, our actions, our thoughts and our perceptions. It includes skills such as awareness of self and others, attention, inhibition, initiation, self-monitoring, self – correcting, balancing working memory, time sense, pacing, analyzing, planning, organization, prioritizing, and decision-making.

How Executive Functions Impact Daily Life


What are the symptoms of executive dysfunction?

Children who struggle with executive functioning may be:

  • Delayed/disordered in speech and language development 

  • Unorganized, forgetful, inflexible 

  • Easily distracted and/or frequently off-task

  • They may rush through assignments with poor self-monitoring and self-correction 

  • They may seem to take forever due to poor focus, pace, time sense, prioritization, and initiation (getting started)

When tasks have multiple steps and require layers of planning to do, children with executive function difficulties may easily become overwhelmed. They may struggle with social skill development in areas such as turn-taking, sharing, awareness of others, and conversational skills.

How does it impact learning?

The impact of executive function weakness on learning can be profound. Children develop speech and language by paying attention to the individuals around them throughout development. When children are not “connected” to or listening to the people in their environment during development, they can miss large amounts of information. We may see gaps in any or all aspects of cognitive development:

  • Gaps in knowledge

  • Difficulty acquiring and retaining information

  • Difficulty generating new ideas and initiating tasks. 

Deficits in executive functioning can appear quite differently depending on the age of the child or adult.

What should I do if I suspect my child has executive functioning difficulties?

Find a psychologist, speech language pathologist, or other qualified professional who has experience in assessing and treating executive functioning. Request a dynamic assessment process and individualized treatment plan. 

Resources for Parents

• Smart but Scattered: The Revolutionary "Executive Skills" Approach to Helping Kids Reach Their Potential by Dawson & Guare

• Taking Charge of ADHD, Revised Edition: The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents by Russel A. Barkley